What Is Text Message Marketing

We get a lot of people that ask “What is text message marketing?” In this article we will discuss the basics of what text message marketing is, how it works, and some of the ways businesses and organizations can use text message marketing. Basically, text message marketing is sending a marketing message via a text message or SMS (short message service). The message is sent in the same way a regular text message is sent; but goes through a short code or shortened phone number that is usually 5 or 6 digits in length.

A short code can either be a shared short code or dedicated short code. Most commonly shared short codes are used for text message marketing purposes because dedicated short codes are very expensive to set up and maintain. When using a shared short code, each business with register one or more keywords that will set them apart from all of the other businesses and organizations that are using the same short code. The keyword is what routes incoming messages to a particular account. For example, if the short code is 12345 and Joe’s Burger Barn decides to use text message marketing to promote a weekly lunch special, Joe may choose burger as the keyword. He will then promote his marketing campaign by saying “Text Burger to 12345 to receive our weekly lunch special.”

In order to comply with anti-spam legislation and regulation and guidelines set forth by the Mobile Marketing Association and CTIA, all text message marketing must be done on a 100% opt-in basis. This means that a business cannot sign up for a text marketing service and then start sending messages to a list of phone numbers. Before sending any message to any mobile number, permission must be established. Not every mobile phone is capable of receiving text messages and not everyone has a texting plan with their cellular service, in which case he/she is charged for every incoming and outgoing text. Establishing permission can be done in many ways (in writing, verbally, etc.) but the preferable method is to advertise the keyword and short code and have each person send the keyword to the short code, thus giving permission.

Getting opt-ins may seem difficult, but with a little creativity it really isn’t that hard. Most businesses will offer some kind of promotion or freebie along with the invitation to opt-in and then they advertise the promotion wherever their potential customers will likely see it: on store front windows, business cards, flyers, billboards, on the radio, table top tents, and always through word of mouth. Have cashiers offer a discount at the point-of-sale, sales people can offer deals while talking with customers, or during any interaction with a potential customer.

For an organization that has an email list or other means of regularly contacting members they can invite them to receive text messages through any established means of contact. It will take a little bit of effort, what marketing doesn’t? The return on text message marketing is huge and well worth any amount of effort a business or organization puts into it. Text message marketing is not only useful for retail business but is being used by schools, governments, and many other service type organizations. Send out alerts, event reminders, run surveys and polls, the possibilities are limitless. Text message marketing is very affordable and statistics show it is one of the most effective forms of marketing out there. The overwhelming majority of people not only have a cell phone but carry it with them all the time and read a text message within THREE minutes of receiving it. No other form of marketing has such an immediate or high rate of reaching a targeted market than text message marketing.